If you lose your spot, reference this typical workflow for latest macOS:

1. Welcome to DarwinKVM!

  • Meet Requirements
    • Check GPU Compatibility
  • Learn about the Docs Structure <– You are here!

2. Host Preparations

  • Check and Enable BIOS Settings
  • Set Kernel Parameters according to your system
  • Package Installation according to your system
  • Virtual Machine Networking explained
  • Libvirtd Configuration
  • IOMMU Viability, if you require ACS patches this would be the time to do so.

3. DiskProvision

  • Introduction and Learning
  • Create OpenCore Disk Image

4. Gathering Files for OpenCore

  • Read through what all of the directories do
  • There is a section dedicated to determine needed kexts

4. Configure OpenCore for target macOS

  • Simply choose an Install Guide from the left-hand side!

5. Fetching Installer

6. Import XML and Configure Virtual Machine

  • Adding base devices
  • Installing Mac OS X / macOS
  • Initial Setup until reaching the Desktop.

7. GPU Passthrough

8. Further Optimizations (Completely Optional/Dependent on You)

If you are attempting to run the latest macOS, the above flow is what it would look like for you. If you are attempting to do legacy copies of Mac OS or Mac OS X your workflow may look a little different. I hope that giving a basic outline of the steps helps those understand where to go after creating and mounting their OpenCore disk image file. If you're ready to begin, go ahead!

Please, reference this workflow for PowerPC Virtual Machines:

1. Welcome to DarwinKVM!

  • You could’ve used any other source
  • Thanks for coming here!

2. Host Preparations

  • Check and Enable BIOS Settings
  • Set Kernel Parameters according to your system (if on Linux)
  • Package Installation according to your system (if on Linux)
  • Virtual Machine Networking explained (if on Linux)
  • Libvirtd Configuration (if on Linux)

2. View Guest Support Table

  • Choose your target supported version of OS X for PowerPC Architecture

3. Follow instructions for your choice of method!

  • Create a disk image for OS X to install to
  • May involve downloading more than one install disk image
  • CLI is applicable for all host operating systems
  • Make sure you are following PPC instructions for Universal installers

You can now proceed to the Host Preparations section!

DarwinKVM Docs Version 2.0.0~prerelease
Copyright © 2024 RoyalGraphX. Distributed by a BSD 3-Clause License.
Last Modified: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 18:00:00 CDT