Adding to OpenCore

You’ll need to have your OC image mounted.

DarwinFetch sorts all downloads within its respective downloads folder.

Within that folder, you will find a named subfolder that has the version number, and the build number of whatever macOS RecoveryOS image you chose to fetch.

Within that folder it then creates a folder. Inside you’ll find a BaseSystem.dmg and a chunklist file which holds the recoveryOS for retrieving and installing macOS from scratch over the internet.

Because we’d like to maintain SecureBootModel and various other settings for security reasons, we’ll want to follow the same method as using a baremetal USB. Drag the folder to the root of the OpenCore image.

With this, you can later boot Base System and thus, RecoveryOS.

Now that you’ve completed configuring your OpenCore disk image, DO NOT FORGET TO UNMOUNT before continuing to the XML importing and OS Installation sections.

You can now proceed to the Import XML section!

An example of installing via recoveryOS is shown here

DarwinKVM Docs Version 2.0.0~prerelease
Copyright © 2024 RoyalGraphX. Distributed by a BSD 3-Clause License.
Last Modified: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 18:00:00 CDT