Fedora based Package Installation
Package requirements for base DKVM.
sudo dnf install qemu-system-x86 libvirt libvirt-daemon-config-network bridge-utils virt-manager dosfstools
You can now continue to the next page.
If you’re interested in working with Mac OS releases prior to Catalina, make sure you install the following package for DarwinUDK UEFI Firmware support in Virt-Manager.
To get started, cd to the DarwinUDK
cd DarwinUDK/Fedora
You’ll now be able to use pacman to install the DUDK-Firmware package.
sudo rpm -i DUDK-Firmware-1.0.0-2.fedora.rpm
You’ll now be able to successfully import DarwinLegacyKVM.xml and use DUDK-Firmware!